Kamis, 22 November 2007

Perlengkapan perang ...

Peperangan melawan penyakit ini, diperlukan persenjataan yang lengkap, meliputi keseluruhan isi blog yg terdiri dari :

* Deteksi dini – diagnosaku ; merupakan awal penemuan tumor hingga operasi dan akhirnya bisa didapatkan diagnosa Carcinoma ductus invasive mammae

* Proses terapi (bestral), di blog ini saya tuliskan kegiatan sehari-hari selama menjalani 30x proses radioterapi di RS. Karyadi, Semarang. Khusus mengenai bestral ini, saya tulis berdasarkan kenyataan bahwa susah sekali menemukan info lengkap di website (terutama yg berbahasa Indonesia). Sesama rekan pasien hampir tidak ada yang menuliskan pengalaman2nya selama proses terapi.

* Pengetahuan yang memadai – dapat didapatkan dengan membaca Buku-buku kanker – agar kita punya wawasan utk menuntun langkah kita memerangi penyakit ini.

* Diet & Olahraga – Selain proses terapi yang utama, diperlukan pengaturan konsumsi makanan sehari-hari, sudah tidak boleh sebebas dulu lagi, banyak pantangan yang harus dihindari.

* Ketenangan hati – Merupakan senjata pelengkap yang sangat penting dalam memerangi penyakit apapun, karena emosi akan mempengaruhi kondisi fisik. Bila kita berfikir positif, pasrah dan ikhlas … insyaAllah … semua halangan dan rintangan akan lebih mudah diatasi.

Oke … selamat jalan-jalan di blog ini … bila berkenan, silakan tambahkan komentar. Bila ada tulisan saya yang keliru … tolong dibenerin ya … Mohon do'anya juga ... terimakasih...

Jumat, 02 November 2007

Breast Cancer Screening

The researchers examined the benefits and negative effects of seven breast cancer screening programs on 500,000 women in the United States, Canada, Scotland and Sweden. The study's authors found that for every 2,000 women who received mammograms over a 10-year period, only one would have her life prolonged, but 10 would endure unnecessary and potentially harmful treatments.

The researchers found that although overall screening lowered breast cancer mortality by roughly 15 percent, it also increased the number of mastectomies by 20 percent and boosted the likelihood of radiation treatment.

However, the UK's National Health Service (NHS) breast screening program -- which provides free mammograms for women over the age of 50 every three years -- cited different statistics in defending its program. An NHS statement said the Department of Health's advisory committee on breast cancer screening had conducted its own evaluation of the program, and found that screening prolonged the lives of five women out of every 2,000 over a 10-year period.

Julietta Patnick, director of the NHS screening programs, said in a statement that screening actually led to a reduced number of mastectomies, and that 1,400 lives were saved every year by the program. Patnick also said that the benefits of mammograms "far outweigh the risks."

However, opponents of breast cancer screening -- which can produce false positives and subject women to harmful, unnecessary treatments -- argue that women are not being informed of the possible negative effects of screening.

Dr. Peter Gotzsche, director of the Nordic Cochrane Centre, said a study by researchers at the center examined letters and leaflets -- including ones from the NHS inviting women to undergo mammograms -- were biased toward possible benefits, and made no mention of the dangers of the procedure.

Gotzsche said Patnick's statement about screening reducing the number of mastectomies was "misleading," and said he was "amazed" at how emotional people were when informed of the possible negative effects of breast cancer screening.

"Some people get offended if you start questioning the balance between benefits and harms," he said. "They just don't want it discussed. This is an awkward position. It is wrong to not inform women about the harms."

Longtime mammogram critic Professor Michael Baum said politics were to blame for breast cancer screening not being held to the same scrutiny as breast cancer drugs. Baum also said the breast cancer treatment industry would "lose a hell of a lot of face if [the government] began questioning the value of screening."

Consumer advocate Mike Adams called breast cancer screening "a recruiting tool to ensnare new revenue-generating patients," and criticized the "fear-based" marketing used to attract women to screenings.

"The evidence is now quite clear that breast cancer screening is harming 10 times as many women as it helps," Adams said. "It's time to start questioning the corporatization of the breast cancer industry, and whether we should be shifting our priorities to breast cancer prevention rather than treatment with harmful chemicals."

Thursday, October 19, 2006 by: Jessica Fraser

Sumber : http://www.newstarget.com/020829.html

The Good News On Breast Cancer

Did you know the exciting thing about breast cancer is that your chances of getting it are only one in twelve women? And that's directly from the Breast Cancer Institute. The other good news is that it is preventable and 90% of women diagnosed in the early stages go on to lead normal, healthy lives.

Whether you have breast cancer or if you are just concerned about the possibility of having a problem in that area, pop onto the Internet and you will find approximately 15,500,000 sites on treating breast cancer. The information on these sites varies from the extreme conventional approach to the extreme alternate. From total invasion therapy such as chemotherapy to massive dosages of some expensive product someone is trying to push. It is likely to leave the average person full of information but more confused than when they started. Like prostate cancer in men, everybody seems to have a different idea. What is very interesting is that I had to search very diligently to find any mention of prevention or treatment by lifestyle.

There is an absolute avalanche of information on conventional treatment with billions of our money being spent on research, chemo, radiation and surgery, but genuine natural preventative methods are thin on the ground and usually difficult to seek out, but persevere, they are out there.

Doctors are often very reluctant to recommend alternatives because they are scared of malpractice suits, due to their insurance which doesn’t cover alternatives plus the medical boards can and do suspend their licenses or fine them heavily. Besides which, only a small percentage of medical professionals know very much about alternatives anyway. Bureaucracy, politicians, lawyers; pharmaceutical companies dominate and control our conventional ‘health care’ system. They rule the treatments, not doctors.

A few things you should know about cancer treatments:

· Yes, alternative therapies do work when used in conjunction with an experienced practitioner. Almost all alternative therapies have documented scientific studies to back them up. These studied developments invariably take place outside the conventional system so go unreported. Some successful treatments are hundreds of years old and yet are still ignored by the media and mainstream medicine. To date the public has generally been kept in the dark but fortunately the Internet and media interests are opening doors.

· Basically, if you get the main alternative categories into perspective and put them all together you will obtain the best preventative results. These categories include nutrition, organic and raw foods (to retain the vital enzymes), exercise, detoxification, relaxation, mental and emotional attitude, avoiding electro magnetic radiation and re-building your immune system.

· It is vital to keep an open mind. There are two things that distinguish a survivor from those who do not survive. Survivors have the strongest desire to live and to carry on with their lives. They ask questions, they read books; they check the Internet, listen to tapes and make phone calls. That way they find out what will work for them. These people are not afraid to do something both different and positive.

You create your thoughts, no one else does. You can think negative thoughts or positive thoughts; it’s entirely up to you! Whatever you think, it will affect your body.

Sumber : http://www.newstarget.com/022152,
by: Michael Cambray


perkenalkan ....

Perkenalkan nama saya saat ini …Rini Y.Kandara. Saat ini ..? Berarti di saat lain ada nama lain? … iya ! Katanya kan … dunia ini panggung sandiwara … ceritanya mudah berubah, ada saat kita bahagia … ada saat duka, ada saat menjadi murid, ada saat menjadi guru, ada saat jadi pasien …dsb. Nah … pada saat ini, peran utama yg dimainkan adalah sebagai pasien. Dengan demikian, nama Rini Y Kandara ini punya arti khusus, yaitu Rini Yang Kena kanker payudara.

Kenapa musti ada nama lain untuk peran yang berbeda?
Karena … saya tidak mau terlalu terpengaruh dengan keberadaan kanker yang saat ini sedang ingin menyapa hidup saya. Kehidupan sehari-hari yang telah saya jalani dari lahir hingga kini (Agustus 2007) yang sangat indah dan penuh warna sebagai Rini yang lain … insyaAllah tetap akan berjalan normal … meski tetap menyesuaikan dengan kondisi pemeran utama saat ini sebagai Rini Y. Kandara. Maksudnya … kalau pas mampu, badan sehat dan tidak lesu, ya kegiatan sehari-hari jalan terus …. mengajar, nguji, asistensi, nganter jemput sekolah anak2, mengajak mereka jalan2, arisan, pengajian, senam pernafasan, senam aerobic ringan, ping-pong, badminton, dsb…., diharapkan bisa tetap berlangsung …. semampunya....